Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Quick CBWs post. Mainly to highlight the hubs, and one of two amazing Ragnar chauffeurs, and his recent shopping spree. Dude was all kinda of apprehensive about the superhero theme...until he walked into the store and found a treasure trove of amazingly fun t-shirts. I'm saving some of them but wanted to share a few.

Yes, that is a purple Batman shirt and a glow-in-the-dark Superman tank. Classy.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spreading the love

Hey all! Christine here. Happy to be joining the ranks of editorial staff for our blog as we embark on this awesome journey called Ragnar!

As my good friend Tim Tebow once said, "I'm just really excited"

Now... who's got superhero/costume ideas for us??

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

8 Days to go!

We're 8 days out from heading to Cape Cod for the Cape'd Crusaders to take on Ragnar... with a few course changes, we've had to reshuffle the deck for running assignments, but we're about ready to hit the road running!

 Check back here starting Thursday May 2nd as we start our road trip to the Cape to race on Friday and Saturday!